Arousal is the base force that can lead to panic attacks. If this arousal manifests in the mind as anxiety at the same time as the prime motivator 'fear' exerts its influence, one may have brewing in their mind the exact conditions that panic usually starts with.
Though the fear has originated in the depths of the primal self, the panic is validated by the negative talk or rationalizations of the ego, and this system of feedback keeps on going as the id and ego rile one another up and each validate what the other feels or has to say. Then, the fear often spreads to our awareness of the body and we sometimes feel that we are having some sort of health emergency, as the body responds to fear in ways that mimic serious health problems. The only way to break the cycle is to strengthen your free will, and then exert it. Work on your faith and belief in the self, and adopt an attitude where you believe and live by the principle that you as a whole are more than the sum of your parts; especially the parts that started this whole anxiety-ridden endeavor. It is your belief alone that will bring you up and enable you to give up this kind of fear.
Belief is a powerful thing. Belief is what forms our realities. Therefore, believing in the disabling power of your own panic attacks results in fear of the panic attacks, which causes anxiety regarding future attacks and then results in panic attacks being more likely. This is not at all to say that panic attacks aren't real; it is to say that the more power you give them over you through fear, the more of a problem they will be. This is how panic attacks become such a serious issue for many. Many panic attacks become worse through the feedback loop of fear->anxiety->panic attack->fear of future attacks->anxiety->more panic attacks etc. and it becomes a never ending feedback loop unless YOU yourself are able to break this loop when you develop the belief that the power of your free will exceeds the power of the fear and anxiety.
This is so much easier said than done, as we all well know. It is often a process of reformatting ones own belief system and exercising control of this free will we speak of that eventually allows for progress in overcoming anxiety. Nobody ever said work on the self was easy, but with a lot of practice, rationalization and hard work, any habit can be broken.
There are some other tactics I have personally used in ritual and neuro-reprogramming which have also helped me to overcome my panic attacks, by going to the base force of arousal and realizing that there are so many other ways to manifest it. One of these ways is through excitement. So I did an opposite unification ritual where I 'married' anxiety and excitement, made them one and laughed at the concept. The laughter is important, because it has been proven to reroute neural pathways and form new connections in the brain to encourage new habits and healthier ways of thinking. Now when I am about to get a panic attack, I think of this and the anxiety is transmuted to excitement. I laugh at the whole thing. Sometimes, I like to say, "Nice try, asshole.", talking to the anxiety, aloud. Even if there are other people around, it always seems to lighten the situation and make myself and others laugh even more. Can't have a panic attack when you're laughing!